Photography Consent

Photography Consent Form for Young People under 18

I consent my child to be photographed or recorded for public sharing by Tewkesbury Scouts on social media, websites, and news publications.

  1. I understand that the photographs/videos may be used to promote the activities and achievements of Tewkesbury Scouts.
  2. I grant permission for the photographs/videos to be shared publicly on Tewkesbury Scouts’ official social media accounts, website, and news publications.
  3. I acknowledge that my child’s name will be withheld from all photographs/videos on the above-mentioned platforms.
  4. I understand that the photographs/videos may be viewed and shared by the general public and cannot be controlled once posted.
  5. I release Tewkesbury Scouts, its representatives, and photographers from any liability from using the photographs/videos.
  6. I understand that this consent is valid until further notice or until my child reaches the age of 18, whichever comes first.
By checking the below box, I confirm that I have read and understood the terms of this consent form and grant permission for my child’s photographs/videos to be shared as described above.